CSM announces new Energy Efficiency monitoring system
September 2009 CSM announces new Energy Efficiency monitoring system, which measures power useage and reduces energy consumption
CSM completes
June 2009 CSM completes merging of core product platform with international capability and functionality
CSM approved...
January 09 CSM becomes approved for distribution to supermarkets and warehouse facilities
Alpha phase testing on simultaneous...
April 08 CSM begins Alpha phase testing on simultaneous real-time tracking of US and international locations
CSM approved and Receives...
November 07 CSM software is approved and receives additional private funds to commence Beta phase testing on core product platform
Alpha phase testing
February 07 CSM Enters Alpha phase testing on core product platform
New Temperature Monitoring...
September 06 CSM commences work on novel new Temperature Monitoring and Logging Technology
CSM founded from technology
August 06 CSM receives technology from (PVT) Ltd., a leading developer of RFID and RF Telemetry devices for aerospace
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